Garrett Ace 300 & 300i Review – Ace Metal Detectors
The brand new Garrett Ace 300i and 300 series metal detectors are newly released for 2022 and are said to be the up to date “garrett ace 250”.
It’s important to mention that the 300 version of this metal detector is targeted at the United States where as the 300i (i standing for international) is aimed at the European market.
Garrett Ace 300i Appearance
In true Garrett Ace fashion they have continued the basic and simple look of this range of metal detectors, I think I would have liked to have seen them looking a little more “2022” however beauty is only ever skin deep.
The Garrett Ace 300i is black and yellow like a bumblebee.
As you would know if you have ever used a Garrett Ace metal detector, they are very sturdy well the Garrett Ace 300 & 300i seems to have got even sturdier and stronger while not compromising the light weight benefit.
It has a very comfy sponge forearm support and hand grip and is fully extendable.
Garrett Ace 300i Features
The Garrett Ace 300i features a new digital target ID from 0 to 99, this scale offers visual target information.
Giving you a much more accurate indication of what the target is compared to its Ace predecessors. In my opinion, this is a god send and is easy as accurate as detectors 2 x the cost.
A brand New 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25cm) PROformanceTM waterproof/submersible search-coil.
(8 kHz) Frequency compared to the Ace 250’s (6.5khz) this has really improved the sensitivity and depth capabilities of the Ace 250 combined with the new coil I previously mentioned.
New Increased Iron Resolution which helps provide 3 x the iron resolution of the ace 250. Helping when you are in them iron laden and trashy areas.
New Adjustable Frequency to help eliminate interference, which is a brand new feature not before seen on the Garrett Ace 150 or 250.
PinPointing, again not something that the ace 150 included and in my eyes an absolute god send and time saver!
If you owned one of the older Garrett Ace you would know that you needed a Garrett Pro Pointer without it you was there forever.
The new Pinpointing feature of the 300i helps you accurately locate the target in the ground.
Where to buy Garrett Ace 300i
So far there really are limited places to purchase the 300 and 300i Ace detectors thus being because they are fresh on the market!
However, if you are going to purchase I highly recommend buying directly from Amazon as they are really well priced at the moment check the prices out.
This way you are completely covered with guarantees and warranties.